Ronald Hatcher.


The most advanced build I have undertaken to date. The build is based on the Loc Precision kit that I purchased during the lockdown. The note from Loc says it all really Instructions Not included - Expert users have their own flavor of builds.

Fin canFin can



AeroTech - 54mm

Max Altitude1323.187m
Max Velocity279.897m/s
Rod Velocity42.149m/s
Optimum Delay11.5s
phoenix section

My flavour of build prioritised two things

  1. Strength Build as string as possible with the expectation that it will fly with an 'M' motor at some point
  2. Aesthetics Build as scale as possible

The first priority gave me n opportunity to do some tip to tip fibreglassing, which was my first attempt. I also built the fin-can externally for maximum strength and straightness.

The build steps go into details for each of these techniques.

The second priority involved an enormous amount of research and thought. The project page covers the details of the research. The fin mounts and antennae radomes are such an iconic part of this missile that they were absolutely required. Again, the build steps go through the particulars of these items.

The nose cone

The nose cone deserves a special mention. I orginally used the ogive cone suppplied with the kit. However, I was never happy with it. It was too long and gave the entire rocket a different look.

nose cones

I ended up making a new nose cone from scratch that brought the overall length down slightly but made a massive difference with the scale look. The build steps cover the details of this process.